Like the plot below, it’s made by R geom_jitter package, which is good for me.
I’d like to plot with Plotly (the python version), and I searched all the gallery, but don’t find a good one demo.
I can use scatter, but the result is not so good(as below), maybe there are some configs about scatter which I don’t know? Please help~
Hi @a3801283,
Here’s an approach using the violin trace that comes pretty close:
from plotly.offline import iplot, init_notebook_mode
import plotly.graph_objs as go
# init_notebook_mode() # uncomment in classic notebook
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("")
data = []
for i in range(0,len(pd.unique(df['day']))):
trace = {
"type": 'violin',
"x": df['day'][df['day'] == pd.unique(df['day'])[i]],
"y": df['total_bill'][df['day'] == pd.unique(df['day'])[i]],
"name": pd.unique(df['day'])[i],
"fillcolor": 'lightgray',
"points": 'all',
"jitter": 1.0,
"pointpos": 0
fig = go.Figure({
"data": data,
"layout" : {
"title": "",
"yaxis": {
"zeroline": False,
Check out the this page for more violin examples.
Hope that helps!
Thanks so much~
It seems the ggplot2 plot is more attractive.