Hello everyone,
following up on my question here , I have another question. So I tried to follow on Charming Data tutorial right here but I tried to use my own data. Here is the code that I have so far (sorry if the code is too long):
app = Dash(__name__)
datelist = pd.date_range(start="2022-09-01", periods=365,).date.tolist()
('Enrollment Fees',[]),
('Payment Date', []),
('Package Shipment', []),
('Registration Status', [])
df['Name'] = ['Anthony', 'Bernard', 'Chester', 'Dylan', 'Elon', 'Floyd', 'Gloria', 'Hendry', 'Isaac']
df['Group'] = ['Children','Children','Children', 'Teenager','Teenager','Teenager', 'Adult', 'Adult', 'Adult']
df['Level'] = ['1','1','1', '2', '2', '2', '3', '3', '3']
df['Status'] = ['Paid','Paid','Paid', 'Not Done', 'Not Done', 'Not Done', 'Cancelled', 'Cancelled', 'Cancelled']
df['Package Shipment'] =['Sent', 'Sent', 'Sent','On Process', 'On Process', 'On Process'
,'No Shipment', 'No Shipment', 'No Shipment']
df['Registration Status'] = ['Complete', 'Not Complete','Complete', 'Not Complete','Complete', 'Not Complete','Complete', 'Not Complete','Complete']
app.layout = html.Div([
placeholder='Enter a column name...',
style={'padding': 10}
html.Button('Add Column', id='adding-columns-button', n_clicks=0)
], style={'height': 50}),
{'id':'Name', 'name':'Name'},
{'id':'Group', 'name':'Group', 'presentation':'dropdown'},
{'id': 'Level', 'name': 'Level', 'presentation': 'dropdown'},
{'id': 'Enrollment Fees', 'name': 'Enrollment Fees','type': 'numeric', 'format': Format(group=',')},
{'id': 'Status', 'name': 'Status', 'presentation': 'dropdown'},
{'id': 'Payment Date', 'name':'Payment Date', 'type': 'datetime'},
{'id': 'Package Shipment', 'name': 'Package Shipment', 'presentation': 'dropdown'},
{'id': 'Delivery Date', 'name': 'Delivery Date', 'type': 'datetime'},
{'id': 'Registration Status', 'name':'Registration Status'}
style_cell={'textAlign': 'left', 'minWidth': '100px', 'width': '100px', 'maxWidth': '100px'},
'if': {'column_id': c},
'textAlign': 'right'
} for c in ['Price', 'Sales']
'Group': {
'options': [
{'label': i, 'value': i}
for i in df['Group'].unique()
'Level': {
'options': [
{'label': i, 'value': i}
for i in df['Level'].unique()
'Status': {
'options': [
{'label': i, 'value': i}
for i in df['Status'].unique()
'Package Shipment': {
'options': [
{'label': i, 'value': i}
for i in df['Package Shipment'].unique()
html.Button('Add Row', id='editing-rows-button', n_clicks=0),
html.Button('Export to Excel', id='save_to_csv', n_clicks=0),
# Create notification when saving to excel
html.Div(id='placeholder', children=[]),
dcc.Store(id="store", data=0),
dcc.Interval(id='interval', interval=1000),
Output('daftar-baru', 'data'),
Input('daftar-baru', 'data'),
def update_table(rows):
for row in rows:
if row['Group'] =='Children' and row['Level']=='1':
row['Enrollment Fees'] = 150000
if row['Group'] =='Children' and row['Level']=='2':
row['Enrollment Fees'] = 200000
if row['Group'] =='Children' and row['Level']=='3':
row['Enrollment Fees'] = 250000
if row['Group'] =='Teenager' and row['Level']=='1':
row['Enrollment Fees'] = 225000
if row['Group'] =='Teenager' and row['Level']=='2':
row['Enrollment Fees'] = 275000
if row['Group'] =='Teenager' and row['Level']=='3':
row['Enrollment Fees'] = 350000
if row['Group'] == 'Adult' and row['Level'] == '1':
row['Enrollment Fees'] = 300000
if row['Group'] == 'Adult' and row['Level'] == '2':
row['Enrollment Fees'] = 400000
if row['Group'] == 'Adult' and row['Level'] == '3':
row['Enrollment Fees'] = 500000
if row['Status'] == 'Cancelled':
row['Payment Date'] = 'No Payment'
if row['Status'] == 'Not Done':
row['Payment Date'] = 'Processing'
if row['Status'] == 'Paid':
row['Payment Date'] = date.today()
if row['Payment Date'] == date.today():
row['Package Shipment'] = 'Sent'
if row['Payment Date'] == 'Processing':
row['Package Shipment'] = 'On Process'
if row['Payment Date'] == 'No Payment':
row['Package Shipment'] = 'No Shipment'
if row['Package Shipment'] == 'Sent':
row['Registration Status'] = 'Complete'
if row['Package Shipment'] == 'On Process':
row['Registration Status'] = 'Not Complete'
if row['Package Shipment'] == 'No Shipment':
row['Registration Status'] = 'Not Complete'
return rows
Output('daftar-baru', 'columns'),
[Input('adding-columns-button', 'n_clicks')],
[State('adding-rows-name', 'value'),
State('daftar-baru', 'columns')],
def add_columns(n_clicks, value, existing_columns):
# print(existing_columns)
if n_clicks > 0:
'name': value, 'id': value,
'renamable': True, 'deletable': True
# print(existing_columns)
return existing_columns
Output('daftar-baru', 'data'),
[Input('editing-rows-button', 'n_clicks')],
[State('daftar-baru', 'data'),
State('daftar-baru', 'columns')],
def add_row(n_clicks, rows, columns):
# print(rows)
if n_clicks > 0:
rows.append({c['id']: '' for c in columns})
# print(rows)
return rows
[Output('placeholder', 'children'),
Output("store", "data")],
[Input('save_to_csv', 'n_clicks'),
Input("interval", "n_intervals")],
[State('daftar-baru', 'data'),
State('store', 'data')]
def df_to_csv(n_clicks, n_intervals, dataset, s):
output = html.Plaintext("The data has been saved to your folder.",
style={'color': 'green', 'font-weight': 'bold', 'font-size': 'large'})
no_output = html.Plaintext("", style={'margin': "0px"})
input_triggered = dash.callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0]
if input_triggered == "save_to_csv":
s = 6
df = pd.DataFrame(dataset)
return output, s
elif input_triggered == 'interval' and s > 0:
s = s-1
if s > 0:
return output, s
return no_output, s
elif s == 0:
return no_output, s
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run_server(debug=True, port=9800)
Now I know that Dash can’t have similar callbacks and in my code I have similar callback which are:
Output('daftar-baru', 'data'),
Input('daftar-baru', 'data'),
which has the long if statement and this one
Output('daftar-baru', 'data'),
[Input('editing-rows-button', 'n_clicks')],
[State('daftar-baru', 'data'),
State('daftar-baru', 'columns')],
which is used to add new rows to the table. Now one of the solution recommended that I have seen is to combine these two callbacks into one callback but I have no idea how I could do this. I also have tried the solution of using dash extension provided here but it doesn’t work for me either. Can anyone please help me? any help will be greatly appreciated