Hello guys,
I have a DataFrame and I would like to apply some format styles to it… But the problem is that as I need to transpose the table and the value IDs are the columns and the “original” columns are now presented in the rows, as you can see in the image below:
I would like to find a way to format the values as following:
Hours Col should be 1,253 instead of 1253
Value Col should be $ 31,950,000 instead of 31950000
Below is a Minimal Reproducible Example to help you to reproduce and understand the problem I’m facing;
from dash import html, Dash, dash_table
import pandas as pd
{'Val ID': '9729', 'Year Col': '2017', 'Hours Col': 1253.0, 'Value Col': 31950000.0},
{'Val ID': '9733', 'Year Col': '2016', 'Hours Col': 2541.0, 'Value Col': 29995000.0},
{'Val ID': '9837', 'Year Col': '2019', 'Hours Col': 566.0, 'Value Col': 34900000.0},
{'Val ID': '9507', 'Year Col': '2013', 'Hours Col': 2732.0, 'Value Col': 26000000.0},
{'Val ID': '9805', 'Year Col': '2018', 'Hours Col': 1543.0, 'Value Col': 31500000.0}
df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_vals)
df = df.set_index("Val ID").T
df = df.reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "Val ID"})
data_list = [item for item in df.to_dict(orient="records")]
columns_list = list(df.columns)
app = Dash(
title="Data table test",
cond_to_index = ["Val ID"]
app.layout = html.Div(
html.H2("Data Table Test"),
"name": i,
"id": i,
"editable": True if i != "Val ID" else False,
for (n, i) in enumerate(columns_list)
# fixed_columns={"headers": True, "data": 1},
style_header={"fontWeight": "bold"},
style_table={"width": "100%"},
"if": {"column_id": col},
"textAlign": "left" if col == "Val ID" else "center",
"fontSize": "14px",
for col in columns_list
"if": {"column_id": col},
"fontWeight": "bold" if col in cond_to_index else "normal",
"width": "250px" if col in cond_to_index else "150px",
"minWidth": "250px" if col in cond_to_index else "150px",
"maxWidth": "250px" if col in cond_to_index else "150px",
"textAlign": "left" if col in cond_to_index else "center",
"fontSize": "12px",
"paddingLeft": "4px" if col in cond_to_index else "0px",
for col in columns_list
)], style={"maxWidth":"500px"}
if __name__ == "__main__":
Does someone have any experience regarding this issue?