Hello! I have a stacked area chart (image and code below). Is there a way to edit the lines between the stacked areas so that they are white with a width of 0.2? I tried editing the traces but it didn’t work: fig.update_traces(line=dict(color='white', width=0.2)).
As far as I know, I recommend to use graph_objects instead using plotly.express.
Because you can set different color for both line and area (fillcolor) .
Stacked Area Chart with With Line
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.express as px
# this dataframe have columns : nation, medal and count
df = px.data.medals_long()
# if create using plotly express, you cannot set line and fill color differently
# fig = px.area(df, x='medal', y='count', color='nation', title='Plot title')
# use graph objects instead, to set different color both line and area.
# color list
color_list = px.colors.qualitative.Set2
fig = go.Figure()
for idx_nation,nation in enumerate(df["nation"].unique().tolist()):
# filter df by nation to set different color by nation column
df_filtered = df[df["nation"] == nation]
x=df_filtered["medal"], y=df["count"],
# Set the white line
# Set bigger `width` to see your line color works, maybe 1.5
line=dict(width=0.2, color='rgb(255, 255, 255)'),
# set the color of area
fillcolor= color_list[idx_nation],
stackgroup='one' # define stack group