As this is my first message I’d like to say big thanks to Plotly developers for the good work
I have a question: I use a line trace (see minimal example). At the middle, there is a single point which is not displayed.
My goal is to display lines without markers, and single points with markers.
If I enable `“mode”: “lines+markers”, there is a marker for every point. I would like to render markers only for single points not connected to any line, because with a very large number of points, the chart is too heavy visually if every point has a marker.
Is there any option allowing me to achieve what I want? Or should I use two traces, one with lines and the other with markers (for single points), and pre-process my data first? (something like this example)
Does the data belong to the same graph? Or is it one graph with both continuous lines and points? Or is it more like the line is a fit of a Scatter plot? I’m a little confused. Because in that case I would use separate traces. Can you give an image of what it should look like?