I have followed the documentation on setting up authentication for Dash and works correctly locally. However when I tried to deploy the Dash app to AWS by Elastic Beanstalk, it won’t accept the username and password pair. I have searched on line and it seems to be related to the fact that AWS removes the Authentication Header from the HTTP request.
People suggests to include a file named python.config
I struggled with this for hours. It looks like AWS changed the filename requirements over time without any documentation that I could find.
It was finally fixed when I changed the filename to wsgi_custom.config, and saved it in .ebextensions, not .elasticbeanstalk, although I have it in both places for good measure.
It seems like it has to be .config, not .conf.
Here’s the content of my .ebextensions/wsgi_custom.config" file:
ALMOST worked like a charm. The wsgi_custom.config file needs to be properly indented; a copy-paste from the script above failed to do this.
Create the file