How can I do all this? 2 dropdowns and a slidebar (connected)?


I need to had 2 dropdowns as input, and a slide bar(that is connected to one of the dropdowns and throughs an output.

it has to have a call back

please help

I’m traying to do this … but it doesnt show results. why?

this is what I have for call back:

@app.callback(Output('updatemode-output-container', 'children'),Input('dropdown1_chart8', "value"),Input('dropdown2_chart8', "value"),
              Input('slider-updatemode', 'value'))
def transform_value(drop1,drop2,value):
        value = abs[[df[drop1],df[drop2]] *df[drop2]]
        return value 
def display_value(drop1,drop2,value):
    return 'Linear Value: {} | \
            Correlated Value: {:0.2f}'.format(value, transform_value(drop1,drop2,value))

its only showing a bar … but doesnt display values??? why???

Hey @topotaman ,

I wrote a callback using your structure (1 Output with 2 callback functions). It seems to me only the first function runs. Maybe merging two functions into one would be a solution. It is just an idea if you try it please let me know how it goes.

Have a nice day.

I changed to 1 func
but nothing appears written

I seem to get an error:
TypeError: unhashable type: 'Series'

heres the lines:

@app.callback(Output('updatemode-output-container', 'children'),Input('dropdown1_chart8', "value"),Input('dropdown2_chart8', "value"),
              Input('slider-updatemode', 'value'))
def display_value(drop1,drop2,value):
        trans_value = abs[[df[drop1],df[drop2]] *df[drop2]]
        return 'Linear Value: {} | \
            Correlated Value: {:0.2f}'.format(value, trans_value)

what could I change to see the output?

hi … I get this error: TypeError: unhashable type: 'Series'

it also doesnt print values. how can I change this to make it work?