Hello, My name is DOHYUN SOUNG who is living in SOUTH KOREA.
When I using pyplot expecially choropleth. on the map, South Korea and North Korea position is reversed. If you can please fix. My code is
df = pd.read_csv('2014_World_GDP')
data = dict(type = 'choropleth',
locations = df['CODE'],
z=df['GDP (BILLIONS)'],
text = df['COUNTRY'],
colorbar = {'title':'GDB in Billions USD'})
layout = dict(title='2014 Global GDP',
geo = dict(showframe= False,
projection = {'type': 'mercator'}))
choromap3 = go.Figure(data=[data],layout=layout)
The two countries are in the right position. I restricted the range for longitude and latitude and now you can
convince yourself running these lines of code: