Each axis or row is a season. Each worker connects to their name next season, but even if they donโt work next season, their output is still shown. Connecting the workers names between the seasons is one line/connection per fruit picked the width being based of the count.
But I canโt for the life of me figure out how to get the data arranged in a way to get it graphing right. If I just do workers on the left and all the seasons on the far right it works, but I want to be be able to eventually show a filter for say apples and highlight the path of all apple picks by each person each season.
Hey @kardiff welcome to the forums. I donโt have experience with this graph type. It seems to be quite complex indeed. I tried with plotly.express, I leave my intents here just in case it might inspire you. Spoiler: it is not an answer to your question, unfortunately.
What youโve drawn looks a bit like a series of bar charts to me, with one bar chart per worker (and x=season, y=production, color=fruit). Would that approach give you something close enough to what you are trying to do?