Hey guys,
I am having issue which the graph that is not showing in Dashboard.
There are two graphs
in my dashboard, out of which first one (Map) takes input from user as dropdown
and second one (bar graph) takes one more input from user as year in slider form
but second graph
is not showing up
and there is no error
in terminal.
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div([
html.Label(['Demo Dash !'] , style = {'text-align':'center' , 'font-size':'100%' , 'color':'black' , 'font-weight':'bold'}),
id = 'demo-dropdown',
options = [{'label':str(item) , 'value':str(item) } for item in sorted(df_copy['country_txt'].unique())],
placeholder='Select a country...',
style={"width": "50%"},
value = "United States",
optionHeight = 25,
searchable= True,
search_value= '',
clearable =True
html.Div([dcc.Graph(id = 'id-graph1', config = {'scrollZoom' : True} , style = {'width':'50%'}),
dcc.Graph(id = 'id-graph2' , style = {'width': '50%'})],
#style = {'width':'50%', 'position':'absolute'}
html.Div([ html.Pre('Filter by Year'),
id = 'the_year',
min= df_copy['year'].min(),
max= df_copy['year'].max(),
step= 1,
dots = True,
marks={item: str(item) for item in df_copy['year'].unique().tolist()[::3]},
value= df_copy['year'].min(),
#vertical = True
], style = {'width':'70%'})
Output('id-graph1', 'figure'),
[Input('demo-dropdown', 'value')])
def update_output(value):
df_sub = df_copy.loc[df_copy['country_txt'] == value]
#create graph
location =[(go.Scattermapbox(lon = df_sub['longitude'],
lat = df_sub['latitude'] ,
mode = 'markers',
marker=dict(size=5 , allowoverlap = False , opacity = 0.5),
hoverinfo= 'lat+lon+text' ,
opacity= 0.4 ,
hovertext= df_sub['casualities_median'],
customdata = df_sub['region_txt'],
)) ]
# return graph
return {'data': location ,
'layout': go.Layout(uirevision = 'foo' ,
hovermode = 'closest' ,
hoverdistance = 2 ,
mapbox =dict(accesstoken = mapbox_access_token ,
style = 'open-street-map',
center = dict(lat = random.choice(df_sub['latitude'].tolist()) , lon = random.choice(df_sub['longitude'].tolist())),
zoom = 3
def new_graph(year_value , drop_value):
dff = df_copy.loc[df_copy['country_txt'] == drop_value].loc[df_copy['year'] == year_value]
fig = px.bar(dff['weapon_type'].value_counts()[:10])
return fig
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run_server(debug = False)
Screenshot of Dashboard:
Upper half of dashboard
lower half of Dashboard: