I am plotting boxplots over time, in two groups. To do so, I use the following code:
traces = []
for j in _ab_["Date"].unique():
dt_mk = ( _ab_["Date"] == j )
_a_mk = ( _ab_["group"] == "control" )
_b_mk = ( _ab_["group"] == "treatment" )
trace0 = go.Box(x=[j], y=_ab_[dt_mk & _a_mk]["time_on_site"], marker_color=colors_lst[0], showlegend=False)
trace1 = go.Box(x=[j], y=_ab_[dt_mk & _b_mk]["time_on_site"], marker_color=colors_lst[1], showlegend=False)
Where the variables are pretty self-explanatory, and the resulting y value is an array of len ~ 1000. For some (probably obvious) reason, the graph prints just one vertical line for each box, as shown here:
Any ideas as to whatβs causing this?