Hi, I am trying to create a Box plot that will have dual y-axis to represent different range of my data. Right now, I am using Graph object library and am able to create the graph.
My code is:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]])
y= list(df1['Driving distance']),
x = list(df1['plant']),
name = 'Distance'
y= list(df1['Production time']),
x = list(df1['plant']),
name = 'Time'
And resulting figure I am getting looks like this:
Now as can be seen from the graph my two box plots for same states are overlapping with each other, is there any way that I can separate them side by side, so that I can read my graph more easily?
Note: By side-by-side I mean inside this graph, like for OKC two distinct bar plots should be present not a 2 column figure which I know we create easily using plotly.
Thank You