Hello All!,
I have that kind of box subplots and want to add title for each of these,
Here is code,
"""build grid where to plot graphs"""
rows = len(to_dict_)
print(f'rows: {rows}')
cols = 4
fig = make_subplots(rows=rows,
"""loop over list of dictionnnary items"""
cpt = []
for i in range(len(to_dict_)):
word = to_dict_[i]['word']
indices = to_dict_[i]['indices']
years = to_dict_[i]['year']
#print(f'indices: {indices}')
for j in range(len(indices)):
indice = indices[j]
year = years[j]
print(f'indice: {indice}')
df = pd.DataFrame(l_of_dfs[indice])
df_new_scope = df.iloc[1:, 1: -2]
nb_cols = len(df_new_scope.columns)
list_of_df_new_scope = [df_new_scope.iloc[:, 0: nb_cols//2], df_new_scope.iloc[:, nb_cols//2:]]
for k in range(len(list_of_df_new_scope)):
df_temp = list_of_df_new_scope[k]
for l in range(len(df_temp.columns)):
feature = df_temp.columns[l]
y= df_temp[feature].values,
row= i + 1,
col= len(cpt),
# fig.add_annotation(xref=str(i + 1),
# yref=str(len(cpt)),
# x=0,
# y=0,
# text=word)
fig.update_layout(height=1200, width=2000)
print(f'cpt: {cpt}')
cpt = []
return fig
If I understand correctly, I need xref and yref for subtitles to be added to proper subplot.
But I unable to access fig.layout (I do not know how to deal with) data and get axis coordinates,
Have you some ideas and good practices to suggest ?
Many thanks for your help !