Full_figure_for_development() not working


If I try from Introspecting figures in Python (plotly.com) the code snippet:

import plotly.graph_objects as go

fig = go.Figure(
lat=[10, 20],
lon=[20, 10],
text=[“Point A”, “Point B”]
layout=dict(height=400, width=400,
full_fig = fig.full_figure_for_development()

The print portion doesnt work(although I do get the warning “full_figure_for_development is not recommended or necessary for production use in most circumstances.
To suppress this warning, set warn=False”) , but the app itself works with the figure being drawn correctly.

I have tried multiple ways to get the method full_figure_for_development() work, tried to save it as a file and tried other code and tried to run the python file from CMD. The method, after being defined, seems to jam my whole script after that line of code so that nothing works in the line lines afterwards.

Here are my specs:
Python version: 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr 5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
Dash version: 2.14.2
Plotly version: 5.18.0
Operating System: Windows 10

Thank you very much beforehand!

Hi @PlotlyDude welcome to the forums.

If I recall correctly, full_figure_for_developments uses kaleido under the hood. There is a known issue with kaleido on Windows, you might try the forum search.

Why do you want to use the full_figure? Maybe there is a workaround.


Thank you for your fast response.

It didnt come to my mind that it could be about Kaleido. From your suggestion I searched the forum about Kaleido on Windows, and it seems now to me to be very probable that this is causing the issue. Statik image export using kaleido - :bar_chart: Plotly Python - Plotly Community Forum

My Kaleido version is 0.2.1. While writing this reply I tried to install version 0.1.0post as one commentator suggested and see if that works, and it worked! :slight_smile:

I just want to learn and observe what attributes control every detail of figures and how I could customize them even futher.

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Perfect, happy that the solution worked for you too.

You might start with fig.to_dict() to get an idea of the plotly figure structure :wink: