I’m back on the war path of trying to find a way to get Font Awesome icons to show up in a javascript plotly scatterplot. I originally abandoned the idea and pursued using an image of the icon (here: Plotly Scatterplot Image. However, my biggest issue with that solution is that the image size is scaled to the x-axis. This means the size of the image is different depending on your zoom level. Instead, I would like it to be the same size regardless of x-axis range or zoom level.
I have reason to believe using FA unicode text is possible. I found this Python solution: Pictograms with Plotly and Font Awesome. Code below:
import pandas as pd
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
title = 'Team scores'
ds = pd.Series({'Alpha' : 67, 'Bravo' : 30, 'Charlie' : 20, 'Delta': 12, 'Echo': 23, 'Foxtrot': 56})
Xlim = 16
Ylim = 13
Xpos = 0
Ypos = 12 ##change to zero for upwards
series = []
for name, count in ds.iteritems():
x = []
y = []
for j in range(0, count):
if Xpos == Xlim:
Xpos = 0
Ypos -= 1
Xpos += 1
trace = go.Scatter(x=x,
textposition="middle center",
textfont={"family": "FontAwesome",
"size": 18,
name=f'{name} ({count})',
hovertemplate=f'{name} ({count})',
fig = go.Figure(dict(data=series, layout=go.Layout(
title={'text': title, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center'},
xaxis=dict(showgrid=False,zeroline= False, showline=False, visible=False, showticklabels=False),
yaxis=dict(showgrid=False,zeroline= False, showline=False, visible=False, showticklabels=False),
I’d like to do the same. My environment is a react app, and not having luck. I imported css and webfonts folders into my assets and imported css into the test page:
import "assets/css/fontawesome.min.css";
Note - not using fontawesome-react as the method will not be creating a component. I’ll need the webfonts and css.
Trying to copy the Python approach, a trace is added to the plot that is mode='text'
. Also, I checked the css file, and font-family is defined as "Font Awesome Pro 6"
. Here is my attempt:
let trace = {
x: noteDates,
y: new Array(noteDates.length).fill(1),
mode: "text",
hovertemplate: "Date: %{x}<extra></extra>",
text: "\uf11b",
textposition: "middle-center",
textfont: {
family: "Font Awesome 6 Pro",
size: 20,
weight: 900,
name: "Note",
yaxis: "y2",
showlegend: false,
Unfortunately, this does not work. But, i have reason for hope again from the Python example - they seemingly had success. Also, I found the method to work somewhat, if it is not Font Awesome unicode. For instance, if I alter the code to this:
let trace = {
x: noteDates,
y: new Array(noteDates.length).fill(1),
mode: "text",
//hoverinfo: "none",
hovertemplate: "Date: %{x}<extra></extra>",
text: "📄",
textposition: "middle-center",
textfont: {
size: 20,
weight: 900,
name: "Note",
yaxis: "y2",
showlegend: false,
… then I do see the character. Here is a list of icon type standard? unicode hex characters: Unicode Characters List. Many of them do work. Certainly, perhaps with some settings adjustments? the Font Awesome characters can work?
For testing / reference, here is a list of Font Awesome unicode characters from v5: Font Awesome Cheatsheet
Thanks for any help!