A question out of curiosity: I’m a typography researcher, and I used Plotly (mainly Dash) in my own research…
Does anyone have any particular horror stories or recurring pet peeves dealing with font configuration on plots?
It interests me to know if there are recurring issues that people encounter with the default or common font options, such as legibility hangups or size/weight adjustments that seem to regularly need adjustment.
In my own research, I found a lot of cases where I needed to activate specific OpenType features, for example, and that was somewhat of a running inconvenience, but it was also quite specific to what I was doing (e.g., plotting data that compared single-story “a” and double-story “a” — an issue that basically only type research would need to do). But I was quite happy with Plotly overall, so I’m really interested to hear if there are type-and-font related pain points that other people bump into in their regular work.
No particular goal in mind, BTW; it might be a decent blog post or something some day, but it might also just be entertaining for people to share any amusing tales with the community about the time an axis label looked wrong because of an O/0 confusion or whatnot…
(p.s., not trying to be specific to Python here; a category is required…)