Figure factory - heatmap problem if type of columns are str and int

I am having an issue with the following dataframe:

import pandas as pd
import plotly.figure_factory as ff

df = pd.DataFrame(index=[2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 'Wallet'],
                  data={'Product A':[62.46, 118.77, 88.42, 37.35, 66.30, 42.44],
                        'Product B':[0, 0, 0, 0.32, 0, 0],
                        'Product C':[0, 0, 0, 0.43, 0, 0],
                        'Product D':[7.32, 15.15, 18.05, 7.47, 11.81, 6.43]})

fig = ff.create_annotated_heatmap(
            z = df.values,
            x = df.columns.tolist(),
            y = df.index.tolist(),

This results in following heatmap:

When I am using all columns only from data which are string - it’s ok; when I am using all columns from data which are int - it’s ok; when the data is mixed than such issue occurs. I tried to change 2017 to str(2017) but it doesn’t help. If you change β€˜Wallet’ to 2022 - everything looks perfectly.