Export plotly figure such that when I include it in latex file it compiles the text with the same font as the document

Unfortunately your preferred solution is not possible.

I suggested to use font_family="Serif", not LaTeX strings, because the strings are not displayed correctly in all cases, as I pointed out in this answer [Making a subscript and superscript on the same character], a few days ago.

To check it, you can run these lines of code:

text =["$V_0^{0}$", "$V_1^{2}$", "$\\text{Here is: }V_2^{3}$", "$V_3^{4}$"]
fig= go.Figure(go.Bar(x=[2,3,4,5], y=[ 2,3,1, 2.6], text=text,  textposition="outside"))
fig.update_layout(width=700, height=450, yaxis_range=[0, 3.25])