Export plotly figure such that when I include it in latex file it compiles the text with the same font as the document

I save the image in this way:

fig.write_image(“fig1.eps”) or fig.write_image(“fig1.pdf”)

when I include it in latex with this command:


I would like that the font of the image matches the font of my document. How should I do something like this?

Hi @tommyiaq ,
The LaTeX default font is a font from Serif family.
Hence in your Plotly Figure set the font_family="Serif".

Tips to save your figure as a pdf image with 300dpi:

  • In fig.layout restrict the plot margins to a few pixels; otherwise
    you’ll get a large space around the figure in your LaTeX file.
  • set font_size greater than 12 if you intend to scale the box within the LaTeX file.
  • save the pdf file of width=wnr_inches*300, height=hnr_inches*300
    With this code that generates a Plotly Figure:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
x_labels= ['LaTeX', 'font', 'versus', 'Serif', 'Plotly']
fig = go.Figure(go.Bar(x= x_labels, y=np.random.randint(4, 11, 5)))
fig.update_layout(width =500, height=250, 
                  font_family="Serif", font_size=14, 
                  margin_l=5, margin_t=5, margin_b=5, margin_r=5)

and with these settings for pio.write_image:

import plotly.io as pio
#save a figure of 300dpi, width 1.5 inches, height 0.75inches
pio.write_image(fig, "test.pdf", width=1.5*300, height=0.75*300)

the LaTeX code:


The centers change iteratively such that to minimize the so called within
cluster sum of squares. More precisely,
in each step  of the iterative procedure compute for each point $x_n$ 
the squared distance to the nearest center of that step. 
\caption{\label{labe1} LaTeX font versus Serif font, set in the Plotly figure}
To record the index of the nearest
 center, one defines the following function:

produces something like the inserted png image, below:

Thank you very much for your time! I did something like this.

import plotly.graph_objects as go

labels = ['not tagged','tagged']
values = [ 30, 70]

fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Pie(values=values, 
                             text = labels, 
fig.update_layout(font = dict(family="Serif", 

But I was wondering if there was a way to give back the text somehow “raw” so that Latex compiles it with his font. Maybe an .eps is better for the scope. I know that you can compile latex math simply by adding r’$…$’ in titles or annotations. Instead for the margin I clip the image directly in Latex.


The centers change iteratively such that to minimize the so called within
cluster sum of squares. More precisely,
in each step  of the iterative procedure compute for each point $x_n$ 
the squared distance to the nearest center of that step. 
\includegraphics[trim=0 50 0 50,clip,width=\textwidth]{partition.pdf}
\caption{\label{labe1} LaTeX font versus Serif font, set in the Plotly figure}

Anyway I appreciate the dpi trick and thank you again.

Unfortunately your preferred solution is not possible.

I suggested to use font_family="Serif", not LaTeX strings, because the strings are not displayed correctly in all cases, as I pointed out in this answer [Making a subscript and superscript on the same character], a few days ago.

To check it, you can run these lines of code:

text =["$V_0^{0}$", "$V_1^{2}$", "$\\text{Here is: }V_2^{3}$", "$V_3^{4}$"]
fig= go.Figure(go.Bar(x=[2,3,4,5], y=[ 2,3,1, 2.6], text=text,  textposition="outside"))
fig.update_layout(width=700, height=450, yaxis_range=[0, 3.25])

Very strange that math does not compile in Bar charts. Unfair solution:

text =["$V_0^{0}$", "$V_1^{2}$", "$\\text{Here is: }V_2^{3}$", "$V_3^{4}$"]
y=[ 2,3,1, 2.6]

fig= go.Figure(go.Bar(x=x, y=y))

[fig.add_annotation(x=xi, y=yi-0.2,
                    showarrow=False) for xi,yi,t in zip(x,y,text)]

fig.update_layout(width=700, height=450, 
                  yaxis_range=[0, 3.25],
                  yaxis_title = r'$\left(\frac{a+b}{c-d}\right)$')