Error in readContentFromWebService()

Hi everyone. I am trying to update some of my online graphs using the latest version of the MATLAB Plotly toolbox (v3.0.0), but I have been getting the following error:

Error using matlab.internal.webservices.HTTPConnector/copyContentToByteArray (line 373)
The server returned the status 308 with message "Permanent Redirect" in response to the request to URL
Error in readContentFromWebService (line 46)
        byteArray = copyContentToByteArray(connection);
Error in webwrite (line 139)
    [varargout{1:nargout}] = readContentFromWebService(connection, options);
Error in makecall (line 28)
    st = webwrite(url, payload);
Error in plotly (line 66)
        response = makecall(args, origin, structargs);
Error in runPlotlyGraphs (line 72)
    pl0tly = plotly(data, struct('layout',layout,'offline',false, 'filename','rtm_US_y01',

Any ideas what might be causing the issue? Thank you.

Hi @cka

It would be best to post this as an issue in the plotly_matlab GitHub. There is a new community maintainer for that Plotly library, but I’m not sure if they monitor the forum.

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Hi @AnnMarieW, thank you for your help. There was an issue with the POST request. It has now been addressed thanks to Roberto (robertoffmoura) and the rest of the MATLAB-Plotly contributors.

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