Embed documentation on a Dash app?

i want to embed a documentation on my dash app (pdf/pptx). After a first search , i didn’t find much about this. Has anyone did this ? any idea to test ?
many thanks

hi @Lo96 ,
Try using the html.Iframe() to display your pdf on the page.

html.Iframe(src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/mypdffile/preview", width="800", height="480")


You can use an iframe to embed it :
html.Iframe(src=‘path_to_your_pdf.pdf’, style={‘width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘600px’})

You can convert PPTX slides to images using a library like python-pptx, then display them as images in Dash. You can also use third-party services (e.g., Google Docs Viewer) for PPTX embedding.