I would like to know if it is possible to do something like dynamic annotation as on Google map. As instance if I have a plot of monthly temperature and monthly annotations and I zoom in to go daily temperature with daily annotation.
I am having a similar issue. I have a plot that shows growth of an investment given a starting asset value, growth rate, inflation, etc. I am allowing users to input additional values that kick in after a period of time eg 10 years from now I will have an additional $500 a month in income. I want to be able to notate where that occurs on the plot, and originally wanted to use a dynamic annotation; I got the annotation to work in the right place, but I can’t conditionally turn it on or off based on whether the user has entered a value or not.
Can I use hover text and place it on a specific point on the plot? In the examples I have seen before there is a static list of data points and an array of hover text. In my case I won’t know the coordinates until the data for the plot is rendered, so I don’t think the array will work, I will need to address the coordinates in a specific way with the hover text.
Hopefully the question and issue make sense. Thanks for any assistance.