I’m developing an app where I’d like to allow the users to draw shapes (CAD) i.e. with dimensioning, grids, snap and so on.
I’m realising this might be a bit outside the scope for plotly graphs, but looking at Shapes in Python, there seems to be at least some functionality.
Would it be possible in Dash? Or should i go for html5 or webgl for stuff like this?
As far as I know, you can draw rectangles, circles, and line with Dash using the image annotations.
I don’t know of anything else that would allow you to draw shapes with Dash specifically.
Thank you for your response!
I will look into the image annotations and see if I can customise it enough to make it work. I might have to turn to HTML canvas and start from scratch.
I must say though, Plotly is really impressive and fun to work with.