Hi @koren88i,
The online chart editor is hosted on plot.ly and you use it to open figure stored in your plot.ly cloud account. The JupyterLab editor will be an extension for JupyterLab that will open figures stored as files on your local file system.
got it.
I am reading now about matplotlib interactive and widgets.
you can create buttons there and also draw lines.
its not out of the box, but i think i can do there the things i cant here (short cut button for drawing a line, picking a graph etc…)
the question is
- when plotting and drawing on a lot of graphs with a lot of data points - is there a difference in performance between plotly online / plotly offline / matplotly?
One the figure is created the performance of online/offline/FigureWidget
should be pretty similar. But FigureWidget
will give you the best performance in terms of creating and updating figures because its data transfer mechanism is more efficient for large arrays.
Can we create a line dynamically by getting the coordinates from mouse click events.
for eg if i click a point and drag the mouse to some other point and then leave it and then i want a line to be created in between those two points, so can this be done using shapes.
Hi @chaugada2094,
Unfortunately this is not possible right now. See https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/issues/2696 for discussion of what would be needed in plotly.js in order to support this in plotly.py.
Thanks for the info.
I have a other query too meanwhile if you can give a suggestion on this.
Its on Plotly.js
I have a scenario where i am using multiple Line shapes all should be editable initially.
I am able to edit the Line using mouse drag, but at the same time i should be able to lock(editing should be disabled) one or few Lines once there positioning is done. but either all of them will be editable or none of them,
can this somehow be done locking the movement of certain shapes only.
using editable: true while creating new plot.
Hi @chaugada2094,
Unfortunately, right now the editable
property cannot be modified after a figure is created.