This question is more of a conceptual question than a coding question.
I’m trying to draw a “tunnel” around the price of a stock (Apple in this example). The upper boundary on any particular day is the highest price achieved in the n days before (20 in the example). The lower boundary is the lowest price. I begin by adding columns to the pandas dataframe for the Highest High (HH) and Lowest Low (LL).
I did manage to code this using scatter3d, but the chart looks awfully “busy”. Comment out line 8 and and the issue becomes even more pronounced.
I also had another go using Surface, with four “walls” around the price. But still, a lot of traces in the chart!
So my question is: is there a more elegant way of visualizing this data? Plotly’s mesh3d perhaps? What would a data scientist have used to?
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/finance-charts-apple.csv')
df["HH"] = df["AAPL.High"].rolling(20).max() #the highest price in the 20 days before each trading day
df["LL"] = df["AAPL.Low"].rolling(20).min() #the lowest price
df = df.tail(50) #comment out this line and the issue becomes more evident
fig = go.Figure()
#close price as a lines scatter in the middle of the chart
fig.add_scatter3d(x = df.index*0 + len(df)/2, #just so the price centers in mid-chart
y = df["Date"],
z = df["AAPL.Close"],
mode = "lines",
line = dict(width = 4),
#for each date, drawing a rectangle around the price showing (HH) and lower boundaries
for i in range(0, len(df)):
xs = [ 0, len(df), len(df), 0, 0 ]
ys = [ df.iloc[i]['Date'], df.iloc[i]['Date'], df.iloc[i]['Date'], df.iloc[i]['Date'], df.iloc[i]['Date'] ]
zs = [ df.iloc[i]['LL'], df.iloc[i]['LL'], df.iloc[i]['HH'], df.iloc[i]['HH'], df.iloc[i]['LL'] ]
fig.add_scatter3d(x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, mode = "lines", line=dict(color = "red"))
Thanks in advance