I’d like to add a form popup to dash application that accepts user input and store the variables in the script. Is this possible to do in dash?
Something like this:
I’d like to add a form popup to dash application that accepts user input and store the variables in the script. Is this possible to do in dash?
Something like this:
Yes you can basically do that in Dash. You need to create the modal or popup with Dash controls for being able to create a callback that handles the input. I use Dash Bootstrap components for this. Then you can add a callback that handles your input and closes the popup.
Yes, I am familiar with modal. However, does the modal support input fields like text, dropdowns, radio etc?
Yes it does. Here is a small sample from a current app of mine:
dbc.ModalHeader("Label hinzufügen"),
dbc.Input(id="liveview_label_datetime", type="text", disabled=True),
dbc.Input(id="liveview_label_name", type="text", debounce=True),
dbc.Button("OK", color="primary", id="liveview_modal_ok_button"),
dbc.Button("Abbrechen", id="liveview_modal_cancel_button"),
Great, thanks. Mind sharing a screenshot of what the modal popup?
Thank you for this! It is very helpful. Could you please share your code for the callback that handles the input? I am trying to do something very similar but I can only get one of the modal buttons to function.
[Output("liveview_label_modal", "is_open"), Output("liveview_label_datetime", "value")],
Input("liveview_add_label_button", "n_clicks"),
Input("liveview_modal_ok_button", "n_clicks"),
Input("liveview_modal_cancel_button", "n_clicks"),
Input("liveview_label_name", "value"),
[State("liveview_label_modal", "is_open"), State("liveview_label_datetime", "value")],
def show_modal(n_add: int, n_ok: int, n_cancel: int, name: str, is_open: bool, dt: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
"""Show modal for adding a label."""
dt = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if callback_triggered_by(["liveview_add_label_button"]):
return True, dt
if callback_triggered_by(["liveview_label_name", "liveview_modal_ok_button"]):
dt_local = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").astimezone()
dt_utc = dt_local.astimezone(tz.UTC)
db_client.create_label(dt_utc, name, redis_client.get(REDIS_RECORDING.key))
return False, dt
return False, dt
The callback takes care of the following inputs:
: show the modalliveview_modal_ok_button.n_clicks
: save data and close modalliveview_modal_cancel_button.n_clicks
: just close modalliveview_label_name.value
: if the value is changed andreturn is pressed save data and close modal (be sure to set debounce to True
in the layout)Thank you so much!!!
First of all, Thanks alot for this helpfull insight. I am trying to adapt your solution to my problem, which is to modifiy data points values in a database by click on a plotly graph. I have succeded so far to pop up the Modal box upon clicking, with Input field and submit button. I would like to know what the functions callback_triggered_by
and db_client.create_label
does, and their explicit code if possible.
Thank you in advance.