Dmc tabs not showing content

It looks like this is a noted issue, so will just link to it here. Content not switching when using components within TabsContent · Issue #148 · shadcn-ui/ui · GitHub Essentially, with several tabs, the content doesn’t change when you click on the tabs.

Any update on this? I am using pure Python so unfortunately the react fix doesn’t apply to my case.


That link is for a different project, not DMC.

This issue hasn’t been reported in DMC. Can you make a minimal example?

I can’t do an MRE, but here’s a bit more about the problem.

New to dmc.tabs, but loved the “pure HTML” option of including everything in the layout. I tried with just 2 tabs, 1 graph each; it worked splendidly. I planned to implement into a larger dashboard.

The larger dashboard has 6 tabs, each with 2 graphs and 1 content piece, including a subplot graph. So by no means small. Here is an image.

When I click to tab #2, it still works fine.


But when I click to any tabs 3-6 (inclusively), the content does not get displayed.

unfortunately an MRE would require posting HTML for 6 tabs so I hope these images helped clarify the problem!

I should also add that the callback method of switching thru tabs works fine. So this isn’t too high of a priority.

The images aren’t helpful…

What do you mean by “pure HTML”?
Do you get error messages?
Is it the third tab, or is it the content on the third tab? What happens if you switch the order of the tabs?
Are you loading a lot of data? It might be an issue with running out of memory