Hi guys, I have a button created by js that is inside an agGrid cell and I have control over when this button is selected or not, this is the code in question
var dagcomponentfuncs = (window.dashAgGridComponentFunctions = window.dashAgGridComponentFunctions || {});
dagcomponentfuncs.launchBtn = function (props) {
const onClick = (e) => {
const currentButton = e.currentTarget;
const isAlreadyClicked = currentButton.classList.contains('clicked');
let detail = {value: props.value, clicked: !isAlreadyClicked};
if (isAlreadyClicked) {
} else {
document.querySelectorAll('.button-table.clicked').forEach(button => {
// Disparar evento personalizado com o novo estado do botão
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('buttonStateChange', { detail: detail }));
// Selecionar o elemento input invisível e atualizar seu valor
document.getElementById('invisible-input').value = JSON.stringify(detail);
// Disparar um evento de mudança manualmente para que o Dash possa detectá-lo
document.getElementById('invisible-input').dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true }));
return React.createElement('a', {
target: '_blank',
href: '#',
className: 'button-table',
onClick: onClick,
}, 'Ver pontos');
I’ll leave an image below and I’ll comment more with codes later on.
Note the input text changes correctly after the click but the text below doesn’t change at all, I even tried using an interval to make this work but it didn’t work:
Output('output-button-state', 'children'),
[Input('invisible-input', 'value'),
Input('interval-component', 'n_intervals')]
def update_output(value, n):
if value:
state = json.loads(value)
clicked = state.get('clicked', False)
return f"Botão clicado: {clicked}"
return "Nenhum dado recebido."
How can I get the state of this button or get the value within the input so that it always detects the change coming from JS??