reading in columns
columns=[{"name": i, "id": i} for i in df_today.columns],
gets the columns
prev, day _only, hv2010 , hv105 , hvrelpct , num_symbols, up_count
I want to HIDE
hv2010 , hv105 , hvrelpct
BUT I really don’t understand the documentation.
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You could try with following code:
columns=[{"name": i, "id": i} for i in df_today.columns.drop(['hv2010', 'hv105', 'hvrelpct'])]
which simply drops the columns ‘hv2010’, ‘hv105’ and ‘hvrelpct’ from the series, which is used as an input for the datatable column creation.
Hi @toivaan thank you for taking an interest. I don’t want to do that as Dash datatable has a parameter which hides the columns. IE
columns=[{'name': 'A', 'id': 'A'},
{'name': 'B', 'id': 'B', 'hidden': True}],
BUT ( and this is my stupidity) I can’t get my head around how to incorporate the approach above into my code.
columns=[{"name": i, "id": i} for i in df_today.columns],
I pretty sure it’s easy but I CANNOT wrap my head around it.
I thank you for your suggestion BUT I suspect I will break something later on if I start to mess with the dataframe
Got it! And being a Dash-newbie myself, I actually found out that there already is a much more sophisticated method for hiding certain columns:
hidden_columns=['foo', 'bar']
So your code would be:
columns=[{"name": i, "id": i} for i in df_today.columns],
hidden_columns=['hv2010', 'hv105', 'hvrelpct'],
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WOW that was embarrassing
I seem to have lost the ability to read. I’m not too sure why I missed that CLEARLY documented feature but stupidity certainly played a significant role. Thank you so much for taking the time and it worked like a champ.
I would like to reciprocate with a little advice from my experiences as a Dash noob. I find Adam’s approach is WONDERFULLY helpful. Well documented, presentation is captivating AND he covers EXACTLY what I needed to know to just get a simple app up an running. Here is the link ( below) and thanks again Toivaan
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