Hello All, I am back to Dash after months not using it. Get stuck with very simple code:
app.layout = html.Div(children=[html.H1('Most similar products that could be suggested to a given customer'),
if __name__ == 'main':
I am using G. Colab.
This code does not return anything when executing cell...
Would you have an explanation ?
Thank you for your feedback
I note that code works
```app.run_server(mode=‘external’, port = 8060, debug=True)````
But if I re-run the cell it returns an error !
I’ve got additional information once executed the code:
Try `serve_kernel_port_as_iframe` instead.````
Meaning of this ?
Is there some one who can explain what is behind there ? And how to avoid to get error message when re-run the code ?
Many thanks for your help !
Hi @Olivier_fr
We need more context to help you. And giving more context / simplifying your code will also help you debugging.
- What df_most_similar looks like ? Please provide a dummy sample so that we can run the app
- Do you have any callback updating the content / the datatable ? If yes, remove whatever unnecessary callback of your app until you identify one posing problem.
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