Dash Table - Conditional Headers Formatting for Multi-Headers Tables

Hi all, I created a dash table with multi-headers structure as described in the documentation (Styling | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly), what I am trying to do now is to apply conditional formatting to the multi-headers in order to set different colors background for each of the headers and subheaders according to their columns_id and header_index properties. The desired output should look like the example below (excel screenshoot):

Thus, I would kindly ask you whether this is feasible and if so, if you could provide an illustrative example of how that can be achieved.

Many thanks in advance.

Try the new style_header_conditional property (introduced in Dash 1.12.0). We don’t have any examples yet, but the syntax is similar to style_data_conditional which is documented here: https://dash.plotly.com/datatable/conditional-formatting

Hi, All,

This is my first post, so my apologies if there are some annoyances!

I have a similar ask, except I am looking to color the top level of the multi-header column since I will know the value of this level, but not necessarily the values of the other multi-header levels. For example, say I have a multi-header of {['fruits', 'apple'], ['fruits', 'banana'], ['drinks', 'milk'], ['drinks', 'water']} and want to color based on whether the top level is either 'fruits' or 'drinks', without having to explicitly know the other multi-header level values (since users will be loading data where the sub-headers are not known ahead of time).

Maybe is there a way to format based on either column_label (indexing the specific level) or allow regex and/or wildcard matching on column_id value?

I tried using . as a wildcard for column_id below, but this did not seem to work.


                        'if': {'column_id': 'fruits.'},
                        'backgroundColor': '#00Ff00'

Hi! Did you ever happen to figure out how style the datatable multi-headers separately? I need to center (and potentially embolden) the top level of the multi-header but not the sub-header. Any help would be appreciated!

Hi dash-beginner, late reply, but hopefully it will still help somebody. That would look something like this:

        'if': {
            'header_index': 0
        'fontWeight': 'bold',
        'textAlign': 'center',
        'fontSize': '20px'

Good luck!

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