I’ve tried the filtering feature of the latest 3.1.5 dash-table and it seems to have run-time issues. The table is frequently not updating when expressions are entered (both frontend mode and backend mode). It happens on the user guide https://dash.plot.ly/datatable/filtering as well as on my production server.
So I decided to stick to dash-table-experiments https://github.com/plotly/dash-table-experiments/blob/master/src/data/filter.js for filtering cuz the performance is obviously more intact. I’m wondering if anyone has encountered the same problem?
Once I did this (and use non-IE browsers) I find the filtering works, although the syntax is a little clunky still, it doesn’t allow for sub-string filtering which seems to me the most natrual type of filtering for an end user. is the most required filtering for me, waiting for them to come out with new filtering syntax: https://github.com/plotly/dash-table/issues/169