I am trying to create a button that selects/unselects all my checklist options in DASH. With the code that I have now, it is only selecting all options, the deselect option is not working.
options=[{'label': str(c), 'value': c} for c in sorted(df['Country'].unique())],
labelStyle={'display': 'block'},
inputStyle={"margin-right": "5px"}
html.Button(className='button btn btn-primary btn-sm',
children="Select/Unselect All")
@app.callback(Output('country_checklist', 'value'),
[Input('all-or-none1', 'n_clicks')],
[State('country_checklist', 'options')])
def select_all_none(all_selected, options):
all_or_none1 = []
all_or_none1 = [option['value'] for option in options if all_selected]
return all_or_none1
Your input “n_clicks” is a number that start with "0"
I think you need to add an “if” condition to return different “options” if this number is odd or even.