Dash Mantine DatePicker

Just checking in on the functionality of the Dash Mantine DatePicker.

I am considering moving a complicated Dash site from Dash Bootstrap to Dash Mantine. I am on Dash using FireFox, Chrome, and Safari browsers on a Mac running MacOS Ventura 13.3.1. The DatePicker does not open and clicking it seems to lock up the rest of the controls on the page pretty badly from there.


Hi @marketemp
The dmc date picker in 0.12 version has a bug which freezes the app when there is no space available for the pop up to open. I’m trying to fix this.
Meanwhile, you can use dmc version 0.11. Though you might see some differences in the docs as they are for 0.12.


A workaround is to set the position of the date picker dropdown to bottom rather than auto :slight_smile:

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thanks @snehilvj and @RenaudLN .

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Thanks all! dropdownPosition=‘bottom-start’ fixed this for me!!! It was driving me crazy…

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This was driving me crazy as well… :slight_smile:

@alexrblohm @entropy_l
Just fyi Mantine v6 fixed this bug. So Dash Mantine Components 0.13 will fix this. There is already an alpha version you can install (pip install dash-mantine-components==0.13.0a3). Just be careful there are again some breaking changes - it will be summarized in final documentation when it is released.

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Thank you!