Dash Mantine Components Release 0.15.3

:mega: Dash Mantine Components 0.15.3 Release

This update brings a new InputWrapper component and a debounce feature for MonthPickerInput`—both thanks to amazing community contributions! :tada:

We’ve also fixed some bugs and upgraded to the latest Mantine version. This will likely be our final release before DMC V1, which will be compatible with Dash 3.

:warning: Important: Dash Mantine Components versions <1.0.0 are not compatible with Dash 3.0.0. Be sure to upgrade to DMC V1 when it’s available or pin your Dash version to <3.0.0 to avoid issues.

:fire: Now using Mantine 7.16.2

DMC now runs on Mantine 7.16.2, a minor update from 7.16.1 used in the last release.

:art: New Component: InputWrapper

Introducing the InputWrapper Component!

Add labels, descriptions, and error messages to your custom input components—giving them a consistent look with DMC inputs.

:hammer_and_wrench: Big thanks to @Godisemo for contributing this component! :trophy:

:open_book: Check Out the InputWrapper Docs

:framed_picture: Preview:

:hourglass_flowing_sand: New Feature: Debounce for MonthPickerInput

:date: The MonthPickerInput now supports debounce=True—preventing callbacks from firing until the selection is complete!

:tada: Thanks to @oelhammouchi for this great addition!

:framed_picture: Preview:

:hammer_and_wrench: Bug Fixes & Improvements

:white_check_mark: Fixed DatePickerInput debounce issue from 0.15.2
:white_check_mark: Allowed components to be used inside children and icon props in closeButtonProps & clearButtonProps

:raised_hands: Huge Thanks to Our Contributors!

:bulb: Contributors:
:medal_military: First time contributor @oelhammouchi added the debounce=True feature to MonthPickerInput in PR# 471
:medal_military: Returning contributor @Godisemo added the InputWrapper component in PR#491

Thanks you also to @alexcjohnson for reviewing all the pull requests and providing invaluable feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

:scroll: See Past Releases

:mag_right: Catch up on all our past updates on the GitHub Discussions Releases page!

:rocket: Get ready for DMC V1!