📣 Dash Mantine Components new release 0.14.7

Dash Mantine Components Release 0.14.7

In our latest release, Dash Mantine Components (DMC) is taking another step toward our roadmap goals with several additions, new chart types, and more control over input components. Here’s what’s new:

New Features and Additions

autoScroll for Carousel: A smooth scrolling option is now available in the Carousel component, making it easy to create effects like a stock ticker. #373 by @mmarfat

  • See the Auto Scroll example in the dmc-docs

New Chart Types:

CompositeChart and BubbleChart: #368 Thanks for the PR @michaelw88 :trophy:

New Chart Features
PR #395

  • withLegend prop for RadarChart

  • maxBarWidth and minBarSize for BarChart

New Chart Props for Dash callbacks

Thanks for this awesome PR @michaelw88 #368) :pray:

  • Added hoverData, hoverSeriesName, clickSeriesName, and highlightHover to AreaChart, LineChart, BarChart, and CompositeChart.

  • hoverData, hoverSeriesName, and clickSeriesName are also now available for PieChart, DonutChart, and ScatterChart.

  • See these features in the dmc-docs for each chart type

Callback Triggers for Input Components:

This was our most upvoted GitHub feature request and is now available! :partying_face:

  • The debounce prop now works the same way as the dcc.Input It can be set to True, False, or a specific number of milliseconds for delayed updating. When set to True, the value will update on Enter or blur, giving you better control over how and when inputs update. #383

  • Added n_submit and n_blur to input components, giving you more ways to trigger a Dash callbacks. #383

  • Try it live on PyCafe

:arrows_counterclockwise: Other Notable Changes and Improvements

  • Reduced File Size for Highlight Component: #366

  • Avatar Component Fixes:

    • Prevented loading from an empty src in Avatar, ensuring that default images load smoothly. #372 by @mmarfat
    • Added support for base64 images in Avatar, offering more flexibility in image sources. #379
  • Fixed boxWrapperProps in Hovercard #389

:pray: Thank You, Contributors!

A big thank you to our contributors for their valuable work on this release. Special thanks to new contributor @michaelw88 and to @mmarfat for their additions. We’d also like to thank @alexcjohnson for reviewing pull requests and helping to ensure high-quality updates. Your efforts make DMC better for everyone.

On the Horizon: Our Roadmap Moving Forward

This release moves us closer to a stable major release, as outlined in our DMC roadmap. By focusing on stability, performance, and useful features, we’re excited to make DMC even better for your projects.

Try out these updates, and let us know what you think on GitHub. We’re here to listen, and your feedback helps us shape DMC’s future.