I have been wrestling with Dash Leaflet, as a non-js person. I think DL is great and provides many cool things beyond the scattermapbox that I am familiar with, but I can’t seem to wrap my head around the js parts and the hideout. I believe the hideout is there to feed props to the js. Is there a fairly complete example where many of the props are fed thru callback, instead of directly as in the DL Heroku app examples?
The code below does add the map, and the clusters appear, but the unclustered points do not.
Thank you
## Here is the callback that attempts to feed the geojson component
@callback(Output('tab1-blocks', 'data'),
Output('tab1-blocks', 'options'),
Output('tab1-blocks', 'hideout'),
Output('tab1-colorbar-div', 'children'),
Input('metricdrop', 'value'),
Input('rampdrop', 'value'),
Input('block-store-data', 'data')
def make_tab1map (metric, ramp, blkdf):
if blkdf is None or blkdf.empty:
return no_update
dfblk = blkdf[['Block ID', 'Block Pop', metric, 'Lat', 'Lon']]
dicts = dfblk.to_dict('rows')
for item in dicts:
metval = int(round(item[metric],1)) if item[metric] >= 1 else round(item[metric],1)
item["tooltip"] = f"""<b>Block ID:</b> {item['Block ID']}<br>
<b>Block Pop:</b> {item['Block Pop']}<br>
<b>{list(item)[2]}:</b> {metval}
blks_geojson = dlx.dicts_to_geojson(dicts, lat = 'Lat', lon='Lon')
blks_buf = dlx.geojson_to_geobuf(blks_geojson)
color_prop = metric
vmax = dfblk[color_prop].max()
options = dict(pointToLayer=draw_scatter)
circleoptions=dict(fillOpacity=1, stroke=False, radius=5)
hideout=dict(min=0, max=vmax, colorscale=colorscale, circleOptions=circleoptions, colorProp=color_prop)
colorbarkids = dl.Colorbar(colorscale=colorscale, width=20, height=150, min=0, max=vmax, unit='')
return blks_buf, options, hideout, colorbarkids
## Here is the relevant part of the layout (separate script) where the map is attempted
draw_scatter = assign("""function(feature, latlng, context){
const {min, max, colorscale, circleOptions, colorProp} = context.props.hideout;
const csc = chroma.scale(colorscale).domain([min, max]); // chroma lib to construct colorscale
circleOptions.fillColor = csc(feature.properties[colorProp]); // set color based on color prop.
return L.circleMarker(latlng, circleOptions); // send a simple circle marker.
colorscale = ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple'] # rainbow
chroma = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/chroma-js/2.1.0/chroma.min.js" # js lib used for colors
dbc.Col([dcc.Loading(type = 'circle', children = [
html.Div("Put title here..."),
dl.Map(id="tab1-map", center=[37,-80], zoom = 5, minZoom = 3,
children = [dl.LayersControl([aerial, esri, mapbox, dark, light, openstreet] +
[countylayer, tribelayer, roads, facilities]),
zoomToBounds = True,
superClusterOptions=dict(radius=100, maxZoom = 12),
options = [],
hideout=dict(min=0, max=10000, colorscale=colorscale,
circleOptions=dict(fillOpacity=1, stroke=False, radius=5), colorProp='Cancer Risk (per million)'),
# hoverStyle=arrow_function(dict(weight=5, color='#666'))
dl.MeasureControl(position="topleft", primaryLengthUnit="kilometers", primaryAreaUnit="hectares", activeColor="#214097", completedColor="#972158")
style={'width': '620px', 'height': '600px'}
], xs=11, sm=11, md=5, lg=5, xl=5, align='start'),