I have just updated dash-extensions from 0.0.45 to 0.0.47 ,and I noticed a few changes like GroupTransform disappeared to make room for MultiplexerTransform.
After making the adjustment in my app, suddenly at initial load, all the widgets opened at the same time covering the screen. When checking the callbacks, it is as if a user had clicked on all buttons. For instance checking dash.callback_context.triggered shows that all inputs of a callback have been triggered.
Has anyone had similar issues updating dash-extensions?
Thanks for the hint! I am not, and was not aware of it. Looking up the doc now and adjusting my app, hopefully that should do it.
It’s about adding prevent_initial_call=True, right?
I’ll roll back to 0.0.45 and try and reproduce, once I manage not to get them all triggered - it still does now despite my call to the DashProxy :
DashProxy(name, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.CERULEAN], title=‘foo’,
transforms=[MultiplexerTransform()], prevent_initial_callbacks=True)
Did the prevent_initial_callback solve your issue? I am still trying to find out why those flags still do not prevent triggers, whereas the flag at the app level prevents some callbacks from triggering.
I have isolated the behavior. This happens when callbacks share at least one output, i.e. when the MultiplexerTransform comes in I suppose. Then prevent_initial_call=True has no effect. Does this help?
Thanks! For this particular issue, it was because i forgot to set prevent_initial_update=True for the proxy callback. I was made aware by JonasSjostrand. Hence it would be called on app start where the proxy input elements were empty. Which was of course not intended (:
EDIT: I meant prevent_initial_update=True, not prevent_initial_update=False as i first posted
Actually, now I have just noticed going through my app, what used to work in 0.0.47 no longer does in 0.0.49. Specifically, the callbacks that have a dcc.Store as Output, although these components are created before the callbacks are triggered.
“A nonexistent object was used in an Output of a Dash callback.”
Should I create a new issue?