I worked on a few networks with dash-cytoscape following the user guide, and the info posted at
I enjoyed learning and working with dash-cytoscape, but sometimes I’m puzzled by how it works.
I have a few questions related to my WIP:
The network in the first image doesn’t fit the plotting window, no matter how I set in style the width and height. A few labels are clipped.
Is there a method to enforce plotting the network such that to be completely visible?
The second image:
is a directed multigraph, i.e. a graph that has multiple edges between pairs o nodes.
It’s for the first time I can plot a multigraph, because the Python graph libraries although allow definition and analysis of such a networks they cannot plot them properly.
Although I used the same method as above to locate the node labels, here all labels are placed following the
default cytoscape.js rule. I don’t understand why my settings don’t work.
Moreover I have a few unique edges between pairs of nodes with "curve-style"
set on "haystack"
(for example between Univ of Alberta and Univ of Montreal). These edges however don’t have arrows and I cannot figure out why they aren’t displayed.
What is the best method to inform the app/cytoscape.js that my graph is oriented?
Here [https://github.com/empet/Dash-cytoscape-networks] (https://github.com/empet/Dash-cytoscape-networks) are the app, the data and style files, for the multigraph.
At the moment the edge colors are not the very informative, but in the first step I was interested only in
styling edge types and node labels. I’m still working on both networks.