Dash-ChatGPT App Challenge

Here’s my submission for the challenge!

Find the AI
In Find the AI, you will be presented with two quotes—one from a human and one generated by ChatGPT. Your objective is to identify which quote was written by the AI. You are presented with 10 quotes per day, and are given a score at the end of the game. The deployed app is available down below, and you can also run it locally by including your own OpenAI API key.

Some technical details:

  • Calls to external API for random quote and ChatGPT for AI quote
  • Responses from ChatGPT are cached to avoid unnecessary calls
  • Clientside callbacks are used to update the state of the game
  • New set of quotes are generated and saved to cache each day by scheduled task

Link: https://machinalquotedash.pythonanywhere.com/
Github: GitHub - ddl004/find-the-ai-dash: Real or AI quotes made with Dash