Hey dash community!
Love the tool, i just finished deploying my first dashboard for a paper i wrote.
But now I’m wondering if its possible to visualize two different objects with different molecular styles?
E.g. now i can pass two objects and select one style for both objects
(From NglMoleculeViewer | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly)
molstyles_dict = {
"representations": "cartoon",
"chosenAtomsColor": "red",
"chosenAtomsRadius": 1,
"molSpacingXaxis": 100,
"sideByside": sidebyside_bool
data_list = [ngl_parser.get_data(data_path=data_path, pdb_id=molecule, color='red',
reset_view=True, local=False)
for molecule in ['NSP2', 'NSP4']]
return data_list, molstyles_dict
I can add another representation for both objects with a list of representations
"representations": ["cartoon", "ball+stick"]
But i want to have a single style for each object, e.g. object one with cartoon, object two with ball+stick representation.
I tried passing a list of molstyles just as passing a list of data objects. Unfortunately this didn’t work.
Does anyone know if its possible to overlap two different objects with each object having their own representation style?