Dash Ag Grid module not found!

Hello guys,
I’m encountring an error with my dash app, I installed dash ag grid, but still showing me module not found! I upgrade it, i reload vsCode, but nothing works!
Also I don’t understand what they means with those ‘replace’ warnings.
I’ll leave you some screenshots so you can have good idea about my problem
Thank you all of you :grin:

Hello @abdessamadtouzani,

Welcome to the community!


This is outdated, all of the html, dcc, dash_table, etc. can be imported directly from dash.

As far as your issue with vs, it looks like your venv and the directory you are running from are in different locations. Not exactly sure if that would matter.

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Hello @jinnyzor , actually the venv and files are in the same directory, and I’m working without the dash ag grid, with no issue, the error appears when I try to import the ag gride!
Thank you for the info about the new import way…I’ll try it now!

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?

Yes, and also updating! many times but still have same issue with it! and I reload vscode many time…

Is your vs interpreter the same as what your terminal is?

Yes! it’s the same, i checked

What happens in the terminal if you do python3 app.py?

No module named pandas…I installed it but still the same problem…

Screenshot 2024-03-21 145046


I still think that your VS interpreter is pointed to the wrong location and should be pointed to the venv.

I’ve tried it stil the same problem…
that’s reaally weiiird


Is there a way to see what VS Code is saying is registered libraries on that env?

Are the site-packages showing for dash-ag-grid?

If you mean…like to show packages installed in the venv…yes i tried with pip list…and the grid module is there

Not with pip.

On PyCharm, you can go into a gui for the interpreter and view what packages are there.

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Thank you maan :raised_hands: I looked for it there as shown in the first pic below, when i clicked on it I’ve seen a notification that’s the package is been installed, then I could run the code with no issue.

- For pycharm it’s simple to find package location as you said…in vscode you click a notification in the bottom-left corner showing the name of the interpreter , then in the Python environment view, you’ll see several tabs at the top, including “Packages”, you can click on it and explore the packages

Screenshot 2024-03-21 152903

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