Is it possible to preload edges into the Cytoscape elements, but highlight them and only those when an accoring node is selected?
Currently, i handle the tanNodeData input and return the edges of a selected node, but it’s quite long and component responsivity looks bad. Would be good to preload those edges to avoid requests to backend.
Interesting, have you tried it? Or may be you saw an example and could share a link?
At the moment, i’m sending a patch with appended edges patch.append({'data': {'source': source, 'target': target}}) to elements which i would like to highliht. It doesn’t work well actually. i don’t know why, but Cytoscape doesn’t render all of them.
So, this way allows us to load all the data at startup time and display only what we need at a time on selection by simply assigning a style to a selector?