Customized Filter

Hi team,

We are asked to build a feature which enables users to define customized filter function, save and apply it on the grid at any time.

I learned about Advanced Filter feature though:
1- I’m not sure if I can save it to retrieve later
2- I learned we cannot have advanced filter as well as column filters at the same time which is not what we are looking for.

Would you have any suggestion for me?


I can’t give a specific answer, as there are many different ways of going about implementing a filter. However, I would suggest checking out when it comes to saving data to retrieve later.

One thing I did in my current project was to assign ID values to every row of my dataset, and then save the IDs that were in the filter in a list format. From there I sent them to the where they were included in a Json.

I am not the most experienced with Dash, so I may be misunderstanding your question, but hopefully this helped!

Hi @231530353

You can use a dcc.Store to save a customized filter. You save the filter model - more information here: