Customize boxplot labels

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

Please can you help me in the following:
In R: I want to customize the labels of the quartiles of the boxplot and I want to add the values to the points of the boxplot on labels

Millions of thanks for your help


What kind of customization are you looking for?

Thanks for your help :slight_smile: ,

I need to customize the labels of the values of the quantiles (min, max, q1, q3, media) and I want to show the values of the points that I configure with the properties boxpoints = β€œall”, jitter = 0.3, pointpos = -2


Hi @etienne,

Any update on this?

i’m also looking to customize the quantiles (min, max, q1, q3, media) labels, can we have functionality to change the labels q1->β€˜abc’ etc
