Custom Colormap. How to specify coloraa


A search on this forum, for discrete colorscale displays a lot of examples I posted during the last years.
or here:
it is explained how you can define a discrete colorscale. In your case the normalization function is:

f: [1, 25]->[0,1]
f(t) = (t-1)/24


f(1) = 0
f(4) = 1/8
f(8) = 7/24
f(12) = 11/24
f(20) = 19/24
f(25) = 1

Your intervals are not adjacent, but I think that 7, 11, 17, 18, 19 cannot be met among your data. If this is the case then
the corresponding colorscale is defined as follows:

dcolorscale= [[0, '#92D050'],
             [1/8, '#92D050'],
             [1/8, '#00B005'],
             [7/24, '#00B005'],
             [7/24, '#FFCC00'],
             [11/24, '#FFCC00'],
             [11/24, '#FF3300'],
             [19/24, '#FF3300'],
             [19/24, '#CC0000'],
             [1, '#CC0000']]