Hi @tracek
For me it’s not clear how do you intend to associate a heatmap to a 3d-space or an image following Emmanuelle’s suggestion.
You can associate r, g, b, values to each point, but how do you specify its position in a 2d array to define the image?
I can suggest the following path to using r,g, b for each projected point:
If u1, u2, u3 are the principal directions, represented by three unit vectors,
and each point p
in your high dimensional space is projected orthogonally onto
the subspace generated by these vectors, then its projection is
p' = x u1 +y u2 +z u3
Define the intervals:
[a, b]=[min(x), max(x)], [c, e]=[min(y), max(y)], [e, f]=[min(z), max(z)]
where x,y, respectively z run over all x, y, z coordinates of the projected points.
Then map each such interval onto the interval [0, 255]
, by:
def mapping_interval(v, a, b):
if a >= b:
raise ValueError(f'a={a} must be less than b={b}')
if v < a or v > b:
raise VallueError('...')
return int(255*(v-a)/(b-a)+0.5)
In this way you can associate r, g, b values to each projected point, i.e. a color code.
Denoting by prx, pry, prz the lists of p'
- point coordinates,
you can test this method with this example:
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
a, b = -20, 31
c, d = -16, 27
e, f = -24, 35
def mapping_interval(v, a, b):
if a >= b:
raise ValueError(f'a={a} must be less than b={b}')
if v < a or v > b:
raise VallueError('...')
return int(255*(v-a)/(b-a)+0.5)
prx = np.random.randint(a, b, 25)
pry = np.random.randint(c, d, 25)
prz = np.random.randint(e, f, 25)
color = [f'rgb({mapping_interval(x, a, b)}, {mapping_interval(y, c, d)}, {mapping_interval(z, e, f)})'
for x,y,z in zip(prx, pry,prz)]
fig= go.Figure(go.Scatter3d(x=prx,
mode = 'markers',
marker_color =color,
hovertemplate ='x: %{x}<br>y: %{y}<br>z: %{z}<br>color: %{marker.color}'))
fig.update_layout(width=600, height=600)
Here the position is given by the three coordinates with respect to u1, u2, u3. How do associate to each point a position in an image? Only the color is already assigned.