On your site you say that you offer MIT License which, to my understanding, means that the product is completely free.
However, under pricing plans, you offer different plans. One of those plans is free plan for 1 chart.
I am not sure these 2 facts make sense to me. Could you please explain the value of the zero dollar plan for 1 chart when there is an MIT license. Also, if you could please explain, why would anyone go for any plan if the product has MIT License?
The MIT license covers plotly.js - our open source library. It does not cover the full platform. For the platform, we have two levels: Community, which has limited chart types, and limited privacy levels, and Professional, which includes unlimited privacy, a greater number of chart types, fonts, API calls, etc.
Hi Emmad, can you be more specific about what exactly you need to know or would like to do with Plotly? I am not sure what else I can tell you other than the description above without knowing more about what you want to do with Plolty - and whether or not you want to use the library or the platform.
Thanks for your help - My scenario is such that I want to sell a software I created to customers. The data will be in the client. I want the customer to utilize the chart capabilities. I am not sure what I need to buy to be able to do this.
Thanks again.