Hi Guys,
I trying to replicate a cahr created in plotly.experss to plotly.graph_objects but a failing in every times.
I have this dataframe base.
Machine Time Units Pruduced
0 K2K01 2 579
1 K2K01 3 350
2 K2K01 4 848
3 K2K01 5 840
4 K2K01 15 768
5 K2K01 17 1752
6 K2K02 1 712
7 K2K02 2 804
8 K2K02 3 327...
And i build char in plotly.express.
fig = px.scatter(fdr4, x="Time", y="Units Pruduced", color="Machine", template="plotly_white")
This is the result.
Also i tryed build in plotly.graph_objects.
PS: This is the more closer i get from expected result.
figure = {
'data' : [
x = fdr4.index,
y = fdr4.UnitsProd,
mode = "markers+lines",
name = rowname
)for rowname in fdr4.Machine
And this is the result.
So, could please someone advise me or give some reference what is incorrect in my logic with plotly.graph_objects that graph to generate the same chart as plotly.experss with the same datas?
Thank you.