I’m creating a Shiny application with a combined line and bar chart in Plotly.
Right now it looks like this
But when I (in Shiny) choose less than three members of the group I get
Such that the colors are not correctly chosen. This is one among other errors. I know it is because plotly internally calls RColorBrewer that throws an error whenever n < 3 as is seen in this warning:
Warning in RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(N, “Set2”) :
minimal value for n is 3, returning requested palette with 3 different levels
Does anyone know how to work around this problem? I am not interested in upgrading to the development version, since this causes other problems for other plotly charts in my shiny app.
Code below:
p <- plot_ly(df.real, x=df.real$Date, y=df.real$value, type = "bar", color = df.real$Product, colors = as.character(df.real$Color), hoverinfo = "text", text = paste("Product:", df.real$Product, "<br>", "Budget:", df.budg$value, "<br>", "Realised:", df.real$value, "<br>", "Date:", df.real$Date, "<br>", "Information:", df.real$descr )) p <- add_trace(p, x = df.budg$Date, y = df.budg$value, mode = "lines", color = df.budg$Product, colors = as.character(df.budg$Color), hoverinfo = "text", text = paste("Product:", df.budg$Product, "<br>", "Budget:", df.budg$value, "<br>", "Realised:", df.real$value, "<br>", "Date:", df.budg$Date, "<br>", "Information:", df.real$descr))